We had many requests to produce another Power Macintosh Demo CD for resellers. We have produced this CD in hopes that it will assist you the reseller in selling Power Macintoshes to the world! Thank you to all those who helped to produce this CD.
Special thanks go to:
- Eric Boe for allowing us to utilize his testing staff.
- Susana Craig for providing a localized spanish readme file.
- Michael Der & Nate Goyer for helping out on the application testing.
- Peter Durlach for providing a localized german readme file.
- Dave Falkenberg for checking those "native" applications.
- Alexander "Sasha" Golovin for testing the Japanese applications and managing the testing of the Spanish applications.
- Dave Grabel, Beth Locatelli, Stephania Pietrazek, & Zaheer Ahmed of ARPLE for working with us to help fund, produce, and distribute this CD to resellers and distributors worldwide.
- Carole Holcomb for working closely with the developers to get that fix one last time, really!
- Stuart Holcomb for pressing CDs late hours and over weekends.
- Bryan Lamb for testing the French applications.
- Jan Leger for allowing us to utilize her testing staff.
- Yves Martin for providing a localized french readme file.
- Mike McKenna for testing the US English applications.
- Brian Mellea for leading the Power Macintosh Applications Initiative and signing on the dotted line.
- York Naylor-Schüler for testing the German applications.
- Mike Radu for testing the US English applications.
- Jess Reyes for managing all of our French, German, and US testers.
- Guadalupe "Lupe" Silva for testing the Spanish applications.
- Jason Wallace for managing the production of the CDs, helping to troubleshoot, and for pressing CDs late hours and over weekends.
- Matt Wyman for testing German applications.
...and of course to the Power Macintosh Applications Initiative for providing funds to produce this CD.
If you have any specific feedback on this CD please send an applelink to POWERPC.DEVS.